Thursday, July 17, 2008

hectic HECTIC

Omggg.. im so worried... im effin PANICKING!

I failed most of me subjects again... MOST!

Which = to no more pc

No more blog updating

No more internet

No more porn...(kidding)

No more online gaming

No more chatting with my homeboys and gals..

No more exploring the WoRlD WiDe WeB

No more anything@!!!@#@$@$%#%

What am I supposed to do! Guys and gazettes out there! I need advice to cover this!! Other than getting adopted by one of you people so I can stay at your place using your net. No not that, maybe something less complicated. JUSTIN! I know you have lotsa solutions so please people, start cracking!


Please =]

Photobucket Yours Truly...

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